Find What You Want with Plucene

For the past few months, my former employers and I have been working on a port of the Java Lucene search engine toolkit.

On the February 3rd, Plucene was released to the world, implementing almost all of the functionality of the Java equivalent. Satisfied with a job done, I parted company with Kasei to pursue some projects of my own – about which I’m sure you’ll be hearing more later.

Very soon after, the phone rang, and it turned out that someone actually wanted to use this Plucene thing; they needed to add a search engine to a web-based book that they had produced, and had some pretty complex requirements that meant that the usual tools – HTDig, Glimpse and friends – couldn’t quite do the job. Could I come around and write a Plucene-based search engine for them?

Well, this turned out to have its challenges, and these turned out to make an interesting introduction to using Plucene, so I decided to share them with you. I won’t tell you how to do all of the complicated things we had to do for this custom engine, but I should give you enough to get your own Plucene indexes up and running.

Making It Easy: Plucene::Simple

The easiest way to use Plucene is through the Plucene::Simple module. To write our index, we say:

    use Plucene::Simple;

    my $index = Plucene::Simple->open( "/var/plucene/site" );
    for my $id (keys %documents) {
        $index->add($id => $documents{$id});

But what goes in our %documents hash?

One difference between Plucene and other search systems like HTDig is that Plucene only provides a toolkit; it doesn’t provide a complete indexer to suck up a directory of files, for instance. You have to make your own representation of the content of a document, and then add that to the index. For instance, we want to end up with a hash like this:

 %documents = (
    "chapter5.html" => { chapter => 5,
                         title => "In which Piglet meets a Heffalump",
                         content => "One day, when Christopher Robin...",

This means that we can’t simply index the book by providing a list of files to a command-line program. We have to actually write some code.

Some people may think this is a problem, but I see it as an opportunity. For instance, most web pages these days (this one included) are surrounded in a template with banners, titles, and navigation bars down the side. These things are static and appear on every page, so can only harm search engine results; we don’t want to index them. Our indexing code can look at the structure of the document, extract some metadata from it, and construct a hash reference that represents just the important bits of content.

The HTML files I had to deal with looked a bit like this:

        <meta name="chapter" value="...">
        <!-- other useful metadata here -->
        <title> ... </title>
    <div id="navigation">...</div>
    <div id="content">...</div>

I wanted to extract what was in the meta tags, the title, and everything in the content div. One of the nicest ways to do this in Perl is with the HTML::TreeBuilder, which allows us to “dig down” for the elements that we want to find:

    use HTML::TreeBuilder;
    my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new->parse_file("chapter1.html");
    my $document = { chapter => 1 };

    my $title_tag = $tree->look_down( _tag => "title" );
    $document->{title} = $title_tag->as_text;

    my $content_tag = $tree->look_down( _tag => "div", id => "content" );
    $document->{content} = $content_tag->as_text;

It also allows us to extract attributes from tags:

    for my $tag ($tree->look_down( _tag => "meta")) {
        $document{$tag->attr("name")} = $tag->attr("content");

Now we have the salient parts of the chapter extracted as a hash reference, and we can add this to our index, keyed by the filename:

    $index->add( "chapter1.html" => $document );

To do this for a whole directory tree of files, we can use the wonderful File::Find::Rule module:

    for my $filename (File::Find::Rule->file
                      ->name( qr/^(?!index).*\.html/ )->in(".")) {
        print "Processing $filename...\n";
        $writer->writer( $filename => file2hash($filename) );

This finds all files underneath the current directory called *.html that don’t start with the characters index. (We needed some special treatment on the index of the book itself, since providing search results to pages in the index would not be helpful.)

Running the Search

The search part of the operation is now pretty easy. We have a CGI script or equivalent that gets the search query string, and then we say:

    use Plucene::Simple;

    my (@ids, $error);
    if (!$query) {
        $error = "Your search term was empty";
    } else {
        $index = Plucene::Simple->open( "/var/plucene/site" );
        @ids = $index->search($query);

and this returns the list of filenames that matched the query. Because I tend to use Template Toolkit for pretty much everything these days, it became:

    my $t = Template->new();
    $t->process("searchResult.html", {
        query   => $query,
        results => \@ids,
        error   => $error,

And the relevant part of the template is:

    [% IF error %]
       <H2> Search had errors </H2>
       <FONT COLOR="#ff0000"> [% error %] </FONT>
    [% ELSE %]
       <H2> Search results for [% query %] </H2>
        [% IF results.size > 0 %]
              [% FOR result = results %]
                  <A HREF="/[% filename %]"> [% filename %] </A>
              [% END %]
        [% ELSE %]
            <P>No results found</P>
        [% END %]
    [% END %]

However, this isn’t very pretty, for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that we’re linking the result to a filename, rather than displaying something friendly like the name of the chapter. The second is that when you get results from a web search engine, you generally also expect to see some context for the terms that you’ve just searched for, so you know how the terms appear on the page.

We can’t easily solve the first problem with Plucene::Simple, so we’ll come back to it. But contextualizing search results is something we can do.

Contextualizing Results

The Text::Context module was written to solve a similar contextualizing problem; it takes a bunch of keywords and a source document, and produces a paragraph-sized chunk of text highlighting where the keywords occur.

Since it works by trying to subdivide the text into paragraphs, it’s helpful to have a text-only version of the document available. If we don’t, we can use HTML::TreeBuilder again to produce them:

    sub snippet {
        my $filename = shift;
        use HTML::Tree;
        my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new();
        $tree->parse_file(DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/" . $filename)
            or die "Couldn't parse file";
        my $content;
        my($div) = $tree->look_down("_tag","div", "id", "content");
        for my $p ($div->look_down(sub { shift->tag() =~ /^(h\d+|p)/i })) {
            $content . = $p->as_text."\n\n";

This looks for headings and paragraphs and extracts the text from them. Now we can split the search query into individual terms, and then call our Text::Context module to get a snippet to pass to the templater:

        my @terms = split /\s+/, $query;
        my $snippet = Text::Context->new($stuff, @terms)->as_html();
        return $snippet;

So far, so good! Then, of course, the specifications changed …

Plucene Components

One of the things that makes a good search engine into a great search engine is the ability to automatically search for variations and inflections of the terms. For instance, if you search for “looking good,” you should also find documents that contain “looked good,” “looks good,” and so on.

There are two ways to deal with this; the way HTDig chooses is to replace the “looking” with “(look OR looked OR looks OR looking),” but this isn’t particularly efficient or comprehensive.

A second way is to index the words a little differently; filtering them through a stemmer which takes off the suffixes, so that all of the above collapse to “look.” Lingua::Stem::En::stem does this, but we can’t plug it into Plucene::Simple directly. To do this, we need to slip under the covers of Plucene::Simple and meddle with the Plucene API itself.

Before we see how to do this, let’s look at the various components of Plucene.

The indexing part of the process is handled by Plucene::Index::Writer; this takes in Plucene::Document objects, and uses a Plucene::Analysis::Analyzer subclass to break up the text of the document into tokens. The default analyzer as used by Plucene::Simple is Plucene::Analysis::SimpleAnalyzer, which breaks up words on non-letter boundaries and then forces them to lowercase them. The broken-up tokens are put into Plucene::Index::Term to have a field associated with them; for instance, in our example:

    <TITLE>In which Pooh goes visiting and gets into a tight place</HEAD>

will be turned by our HTML::TreeBuilder munging into

    title => "In which Pooh goes visiting and gets into a tight place"

and Plucene::Simple turns this into a Plucene::Document::Field:

    bless {name => "title",
    string => "In which Pooh goes visiting and gets into a tight place"},

and then into a set of Plucene::Index::Term objects like so:

    bless { field => "title", text => "in" }, "Plucene::Document::Term"
    bless { field => "title", text => "which" }, "Plucene::Document::Term"
    bless { field => "title", text => "pooh" }, "Plucene::Document::Term"
    bless { field => "title", text => "goes" }, "Plucene::Document::Term"
    bless { field => "title", text => "visiting" }, "Plucene::Document::Term"

Then various classes write out the terms and their frequencies into the index.

When we come to searching, the Plucene::Search::IndexSearcher acts as the top-level classes. It calls a Plucene::QueryParser to turn the query into a set of Plucene::Search::Query objects: this allows Plucene to differentiate between phrase queries such as "looks good", negated queries (looks -good), queries in different fields (looks title:good), and so on.

This QueryParser, in turn, uses the same analyzer as the indexer to break up the search terms into tokens. This is because if our indexer has seen BORN2run and turned it into two tokens, born and run, and then we do a search on BORN2run, we aren’t going to find it unless we transform the search terms to born and run in the same way.

Using the Porter Analyzer

We need to replace the SimpleAnalyzer with an analyzer that filters through Lingua::Stem::En. Thankfully, here’s one I prepared earlier: Plucene::Plugin::Analyzer::Porter. However, since Plucene::Simple doesn’t allow us to change analyzers, we have to do everything manually.

First, we produce a Plucene::Index::Writer, with the appropriate analyzer:

    my $writer = Plucene::Index::Writer->new(
        1 # Create the index from scratch

Next we have to build up the Plucene::Document ourselves, instead of just feeding a hash of attributes to Plucene::Simple->add.

  my $doc = Plucene::Document->new();
  $doc->add(Plucene::Document::Field->Keyword(filename => $filename));

  my $title_tag = $tree->look_down( _tag => "title" );
  $doc->add(Plucene::Document::Field->Text( title => $title_tag->as_text ));

  for my $tag ($tree->look_down( _tag => "meta")) {
      $document{$tag->attr("name")} = $tag->attr("content");

  my $content_tag = $tree->look_down( _tag => "div", id => "content" );
  $doc->add(Plucene::Document::Field->UnStored( title => $content_tag->as_text ));

You’ll notice that there are three different constructors for Plucene::Document::Field objects – the Keyword is stored and can be retrieved, but isn’t broken up into tokens; this is used for things like filenames, where you want to get them back from the index verbatim. Fields constructed using Text can be retrieved, but are also broken up into tokens for searching in the index. UnStored text can’t be retrieved, but is indexed, so we use this for the content, the main bulk of the book.

This will also solve our problem with the English description of the link, since it will allow us to retrieve the title field for a search hit.

Once we have our document object, we can add it into the index:


Now that we have the text filtered through the Porter stemmer, the tokens indexed will look like “in which pooh goe visit.” Now we need to make sure that the same filter is used in searching, which means we also have to rewrite the search code to use this analyzer. First, we open the index for searching:

    my $searcher = Plucene::Search::IndexSearcher->new( "/var/plucene/site" );

Now we parse the query, specifying that any unqualified terms should be sought in the content field:

    my $parser = Plucene::QueryParser->new({
            analyzer => Plucene::Plugin::PorterAnalyzer->new(),
            default  => "content"
    my $parsed = $parser->parse($query);

Finally, we declare a Plucene::Search::HitCollector; this is a callback which is called every time a search hit is found. We use it to populate an array of information about hits:

    my @docs;
    my $hc       = Plucene::Search::HitCollector->new(
        collect => sub {
            my ($self, $doc, $score) = @_;
            my $res = eval { $searcher->doc($doc) };
            push @docs, $res if $res;

And we do the search:

    $searcher->search_hc($parsed, $hc);

This fills @docs with Plucene::Document objects; from these, we want to extract the filename and the title fields, to pass to the templates:

    @results = map {{ 
        filename => $_->get("filename")->string,
        title => $_->get("title")->string,
    }} @docs;

    for (@results) {
        $_->{snippet} = snippet($_->{filename})

Now we can put together a more impressive display for each result:

    [% result.snippet %]
    <P>In <A HREF="/[% result.filename %]"> [% result.title %]</A></P>

This ends up looking like the following:

Search results for “bears build”

It’s a very funny thought that, if Bears were Bees, they’d build their nests are the bottom of trees.

In We are introduced

Which looks quite nice and professional. Except for one slight matter.

Suppose we had looked for bear builds. We’d still match the same bit of text, thanks to stemming. However, the exact words that we’re looking for aren’t in that bit of text, so the contextualizer won’t do the right thing. What we need, then, is a version of Text::Context that knows about Porter stemming. Thankfully, Text::Context::Stemmer steps into the breach.

We have a web search engine that understands Porter stemming. The first part of my job is done.

And Everything Else

There are plenty of other things we can do with Plucene: use the metadata to restrict the search to particular chapters, for instance; filter out stop words with the Plucene::Analysis::StopFilter; restrict the search to a series of dates, using the Plucene::Document::DateSerializer module, and so on.

Plucene is a general-purpose search engine; while the Plucene::Simple interface to it allows you to get a good search tool up and running very quickly, that’s very much only the tip of the iceberg. By getting into the Plucene API itself, we can build a complex, customized search engine for any application.



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